Many physicians and patient's families tend to have the following questions when considering B.E.A.M. Given the evidence gathered after the surgeries, there's a new experience that is writing the new medicine.
1.- Could the patient suffer from Addison's disease after B.E.A.M?
Addison's disease is produced by the destruction of the supra-renal glands by means of infections or therapies with steroids. B.E.A.M surgery does not destroy the gland, it eliminates the tissue of the adrenal medulla, therefore the cortex and all of its hormones continue working. It is important to note the difference between the cortex and the medulla, which can be explained by any physician.
2.- Could the patient become slow by lack of adrenaline?
When adrenaline is eliminated from our body, it starts to rely on noradrenaline and cortisol for the state of alert and response to stress. Adrenaline is not unexpendable to live, since it is replaced automatically in our system by cortisol and noradrenaline.
3.- When the main source of adrenaline is blocked, does it have an effect of low energy level on the patient?
Adrenaline's main function is to regulate glucose, and after B.E.A.M, glucose is regulated by cortisol; the hypothalamus gives the instruction to the brain of regulating dopamine in all cases of Parkinson or Schizophrenia
Energy and all the vital functions of the body are entrusted to the autonomous system and the hypothalamus.
4.- Could there be weakness, being out of breath and fatigue, after the surgery?
There is no weakness or fatigue, since this will occur if the surgery was performed in the suprarenal cortex, where all of its hormones would be affected. With B.E.A.M only the adrenal medulla is electro-coagulated, not the cortex
5.- Low defenses, infection prone?
The immune system is not affected, since it is mainly composed of white T cells (neutrophils, antibody, cytokines, macrophages, among other components that help its functioning). B.E.A.M does not have anything to do with the immune system.
6.- Does it affect motricity - cardiac frequency?
Motricity is not affected since the surgery does not affect the brain cortex or the spine, on the contrary, it improves motricity when we operate on patients with Parkinson
7.- Are the stimuli and the response affected?
The stimuli-response system is not affected, since the autonomous system works normally after B.E.A.M
8.- Weight loss
There could be an increase in weight as a collateral effect of the use of antipsychotic medicine, when their use is diminished, normal weight is recovered
9.- Does it affect the carbohydrate metabolism?
The carbohydrate metabolism is already affected in schizophrenia, after the electro-coagulation of the adrenal medulla; cortisol and glucagon replace adrenaline and regulate glucose.
10.- Is cardiac frequency affected - blood vessel constriction at the brain level?
After B.E.A.M, cardiac frequency is regulate by the autonomous system (acetylcholine and noradrenaline)
11.- Does it cause variability in blood pressure?
The surgery of electro-coagulation of the adrenal medulla does not alter blood pressure on any operated individual.